2023 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate) Impact Factor 1.4 • PubMed • 2023 Scopus CiteScore 2.3 • CiteScore rank in Urology 51/97 • Index Copernicus 129.07 pts • Ministry of Education and Science 70 pts • Emerging Sources Citation Index • Chemical Abstracts CAS • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts • CAB Abstracts • CrossRef • EBSCO • Google Scholar • Global Health Databases • SCOPUS and the Polish Medical Library • eISSN 2080-4873
2023 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate) Impact Factor 1.4 • PubMed • 2023 Scopus CiteScore 2.3 • CiteScore rank in Urology 51/97 • Index Copernicus 129.07 pts • Ministry of Education and Science 70 pts • Emerging Sources Citation Index • Chemical Abstracts CAS • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts • CAB Abstracts • CrossRef • EBSCO • Google Scholar • Global Health Databases • SCOPUS and the Polish Medical Library • eISSN 2080-4873
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Issue 2012
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2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Badereddin Mohamad Al-Ali, Felix Thimary, Karl Pummer
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Jan 17, 2012
Jan Kawecki, Paweł Leśniak, Karol Wieczorek, Paweł Budziarz, Wiesław Duda, Ryszard Poloczek, Sławomir Dutkiewcz
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Jun 01, 2012
Grzegorz Zarzycki, Krzysztof Bar, Marek Długosz, Radosław Starownik
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Apr 13, 2012
Shuichi Morizane, Hideto Iwamoto, Akihisa Yao, Tadahiro Isoyama, Takehiro Sejima, Atsushi Takenaka
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:May 24, 2012
Marcin Życzkowski, Grzegorz Prokopowicz, Wojciech Zajęcki, Andrzej Paradysz
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Apr 20, 2012
James Valsa, Kalanghot Padmanabhan Skandhan, Pulikkal Sahab Khan, Balakrishnan Sumangala, Meenaxi Gondalia
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Jul 10, 2012
Wojciech Polom, Alicja Klejnotowska, Marcin Matuszewski, Zdzislaw Sicko, Marcin Markuszewski, Kazimierz Krajka
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Oct 08, 2012
Maciej Salagierski, Marek Sosnowski, Jack A. Schalken
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Jul 05, 2012
Jakub Dobruch, Łukasz Nyk, Michał Skrzypczyk, Piotr Chłosta, Tomasz Dzik, Andrzej Borówka
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Aug 01, 2012
Riccardo Autorino, Roman Sosnowski, Marco de Sio, Omero Simone, Ali Khalifeh, Jihad H. Kaouk
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Oct 02, 2012
Stanisław Wroński
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Aug 20, 2012
Anna Paterson, Michał Sut, Asheesh Kaul, Vincenzo Altieri, Fraser Mutch, Jenish Patel, Harbinder Sharma
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Aug 27, 2012
Zubair Al-Qassim, Aza Mohammed, Roland England, Zeb Khan
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Sep 27, 2012
Vidhyadhar Kelkar, Deepak Patil
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:Nov 05, 2012
Maciej Salagierski, Thaddaeus Zajaczkowski, Marek Sosnowski, Jack A. Schalken
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
Published on-line:
Katarzyna Krzemińska, Michał Maternik, Magdalena Drożyńska-Duklas, Przemysław Szcześniak, Piotr Czarniak, Andrzej Gołębiewski, Aleksandra Żurowska
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
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Thaddaeus Zajaczkowski
Issue:2012, Vol. 65, No. 4
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Central European Journal of Urology (CEJU) is indexed in: PubMed, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thompson Reuters), Chemical Abstracts CAS, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (ProQuest), CAB Abstracts, CrossRef, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (129.07 pts), Global Health Databases, SCOPUS and the Polish Medical Library (GBL), Ministry of Education and Science (70 pts)
2023 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate) Impact Factor: 1.4
2023 Scopus CiteScore: 2.3
eISSN: 2080-4873
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Polish Urological Association

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